Saturday, January 8, 2022

the core in my mental

find me in the labo labouring on mental cores brewing flaws within my flow become pentameters yardsticks firing hoses ignighting explosions giving eruptions burning at the core my existence in all realms known.

Waiting for the midnight train

Steel determination chag on only to chag off bring back the swag that put some in chain gangs gotta lay the railway tracks the soothsayer, soujourner

in time i stood

in time i did, stand in all seasons that marked my days full of glamour and sorrow, weeping to bury all that i have been deadend, dying still in my infancy as a seed in warm and moist soil dying in decaying a decadence cascading in a new creation nothing equals what has been, the dna remains unchanged to contain the parameters and the variable that have become the integrals binary digits...ones and zeroes zeroing in, in ones found in origins

tick ticking on

... paces in minutes seconding minutely links connecting rods phases cycles tickling ticks ticking on becoming time in time you are here today and the next minute gone...


violin ringing sounding waves did move as carols we sang whilst it snowed love brooding eggs cracking seasons yawning light is dawning fawning spawning a year is soon done and out in its place one stars and blinks the violin rings on sounding the waves singing carols each day under the sun