Saturday, November 12, 2022

Lest you forgot

Tarred are your roads Rich and loving your Kingsman lives well lived all under one God why still live like creatures inhumane you have all become lest you forget we paid with our lives we deserve much more than all of you living like caricatures of the human spirit demons trapped in human souls... Lest you forget us at the rising of the morning sun and the setting of risen sun we are turning in the trenches across Normandy and beyond...where we are buried thats where we will lie...sticks, bones and stones the world is one damn cold place...mark my words the noose is the life you are all living... sleep some more

Will we ever rest

Decades came Years went by More decades Did pass us by Lest you forgot Decades became A century We still lie Embedded avae buried in cacoons Patriotic graves Lives never lived now only marked by what has become your new norms A threshold that now can only explain the decadence that crept from the abyss ... Will we ever rest..