Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flipping World/ Curling Back To The Womb

Flipping world
i found myself
wanting to return back
to the curling womb position
and just sleep through
for as the world spins
on its axis
all i see is meaningless
not worth the paper its written on
all i see is absurdity
who will police
the police
when they are agents
to cause terror
to those that they are supposed to protect
can a father teach a child
to respect others
whilst at the same time
is harassing someone
more questions birthed
know who you roll with
friends may not be friends
assistants may not assist
churches and priests
have been sued
for sexual abuse
worse still
spiritual abuse
shepherds preying on the sheep
for them sure there will be no that Kingdom
Sparkling with Glory
Can you forgive me
Wanting to curl back into the womb
Sorry mom, i am not ready for this New World disOrder!